Although conditions are not at all what they usually are (a local guide writes that he has not seen anything like this in the 20 years he's been here), we're still getting some skiing done and finding some snow.
The epic japow with waist deep snow in open meadows with perfect gradient is still hard to find though, but we're managing.
Snow is so nice! |
The thing is, if this had been on my "home mountain", Kittelfjäll, we'd probably described the conditions as fabulous. Here, we want more.
Fortunately enough, most of the
Active Ski-guests are equipped with skins, so we can extend the ski-area quite a bit. Although, once again, most of the skiing is severely limited due to undergrowth not being covered with snow we can still find some good runs with rather simple touring.
We're not above touring up an old abandoned piste. |
If the snow has been a bit of a disappointment, the food has not. Everyone is really happy with the food, it's very tasty and rather cheap. Typical prices range from 800 - 1200 yen, which is less than a standard lunch back home in Sweden.
No worries, they were well-done when we ate them! |
Dinner this day was at Japanese BBQ. I'm fairly sure that the gas stoves would not pass safety inspection back home in Sweden, nor would the ventilation pass requirements for working environments, but what the ...? Everyone enjoyed good-tasting food with great company!
Believe it or not, but this is a typical restaurant. |
Restaurants here in Myoko appear to have quite a bit of history, and that history remains in the room... There is just so much, how shall I put it politely? Junk. Yes, that's it, there's so much accumulated junk. One other place we visited had actually stopped using a guest table for guests, because it was full of just, well, stuff. Junk. Interesting junk sometimes, but still...
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